This is the first I've had a chance to sit down in my room today. We took the dogs and drove over to Clarion so we could have lunch with Chloe and then on the way home walked the dogs in the woods near Kossuth. We are right in the prime days of autumn color right now. Mid October. Today we had sun and clouds - the perfect weather too, when it wasn't raining. Luckily we were in the car driving when it was raining and the sun was shining when we were in the woods later.
I started a new art-a-day LIVE book yesterday and it seemed like a good time to switch mediums - new book, new medium. I put all the gouache paints away. I want to use these Derwent InkTense watercolor pencils for a while. I've had them for a long time and used to use them a lot in the past. I just haven't used them lately. I saw an ad for Faber Castell Albrecht Durer Watercolor Pencils yesterday and that took me off on a huge Octopus of Wanting tangent - I want Albert Durer now (!). I did lots of research on them - wasted many hours. Then in one of the reviews someone compared them favorably with InkTEnse. So then I thought - geez Mary, just find your InkTense pencils and use THEM. Go make some art and stop compulsively wanting something new. Be frugal! Above is where today's art-a-day is right now. I'm liking it as it is so I thought I'd take a picture of it. Just some faint pencil lines and all that rainbow of color in juxtaposition. I'll work on it some more after dinner tonight - maybe. I don't have to - that's the beauty of art-a-day. I can do ANYthing I want to do, as little or as much as I want.
I got out the Z5 with the Super Takumar lens today just to switch up cameras and picture taking too. I haven't used that in a long time.
The view from where I'm sitting. Bonus: two horses are grazing in the field. But you know what I like best about this picture? It's what the Super Takumar lens did to that little orange area in the upper right.
That's what I want today's painting of the tree to be like.
Today is the day we celebrate as Andy's birthday. The woman we got him from didn't know when he was born and was trying to portray him as younger than he was. The vet thought he looked like he was born mid October. So here he is. 9 years old.
Darn it - I just realized it's Tuesday - garbage night. I need to get busy with that.