The sliver moon last night. It was even thinner on Monday night when we were coming home from Chloe's. I love seeing the moon this way, lit by the earth's reflection. I've heard it called the "new moon holding the old moon in its arms". I always think of that when I see it. Thinking about moons and such reminds me that soon we'll have a total solar eclipse. I feel so lucky that we live close to where it will go over. Only a half hour drive (Meadville) and we'll be in the totality. We could get a couple more minutes of totality if we drove up to Erie - an hour away. I HOPE we have a clear sky that day. It would be a real bummer if it was cloudy. Which happens a lot here. Though I suppose it would still be interesting for it to become dark as night so suddenly in the middle of a cloudy day too. Apocalyptic.
Jan and I walked yesterday on the multipurpose trail at Oil Creek. From the Pioneer parking area south to the railroad bridge. We did some exploring in places I'd never been before and made a loop by finding a path up to Russell Corners Road (a rarely used road where we could look down on the creek valley). I forgot to take my phone/camera! It was a beautiful morning. Sunny. So many times I reached into my pocket to get my phone so I could take a picture and no phone - damn. Tiny green leaf buds sprouting on the multiflora rose. The tops of maple trees have that pink blush right now. The hemlocks must be putting out buds too because they seemed extra bright and fresh. Sinuous sycamore trees along the creek - white branches against the blue sky. Yellow coltsfoot brightening up the ditches on Russell Corners Road.
Finally remembered to contact our tax lady to get an appointment last night. Though I couldn't find a certain paper. That's bothersome. I woke up at 4 am this morning thinking of a new place I could look and there it was. Yay. Onward.