
Nov 18, 2023 07:22

Yesterday I had my PT early - at 8. Then Dave and I drove over to Mercer to see Sebastian's house, meet his boyfriend Noah and take them out to lunch. I really like Noah. He's a talker. Sebby's not. They seem good together and I'm happy for them. We ate at Rachel's Roadhouse. After we came home from that I put a hot rice bag on my neck and took a nap. I've been getting a stiff neck on the right side a lot lately. I put it down to doing so much work/exercise/stretching with the right shoulder now.

No pictures yesterday. Though I did notice how beautiful it was when I took the dogs for a walk in the afternoon. It was lightly raining when I set out and all the weeds and wild seedpods had water drops dangling from them. I've started to use leashes on both dogs when I walk them by myself down back. It is so much quieter and worry free when I do. I don't have to yell all the time to see where they are and I don't have to worry about them eating deer shit. Right now they are searching for deer shit to eat all the time. Rainy is my little sweetheart but she doesn't listen to "come" very well, especially when she finds something that she thinks is delicious. I got tired of having to go back and chase her away from it. Maybe it's the field corn in the deer shit that flavors it to their liking? I didn't think I would be able to handle two dogs on retractable leashes but I found I can. I need to do some deft passing of the handles back and forth, over and under, to keep the lines straight but it's doable. The dogs seem to understand what's going on (3 of us all tethered together) and they behave much better than I expected.

I slept pretty well last night. Went to bed early. Woke up on my own at 5:15. That's perfect.

This posting needs a picture. I took this a couple days ago of Good Ol' Andy.

I keep saying I need to get started housecleaning for the company coming next Thursday but I haven't started yet. Maybe today...

back yard, lensbaby soft focus, z5, sebastian, dogs, right arm, andy, physical therapy

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