
Nov 10, 2023 06:39

The winter sunsets are starting now where we can see down over the hill from the kitchen window since the leaves have fallen. Last evening there was a particular little tree with a few bright leaves that I wanted to capture.

Used the Lensbaby soft focus first. I feel like I did get that little spot of bright orange isolated in the picture with it.

Then just for added insurance I got out a regular lens. The view looking down back is very different once the leaves fall. The sunny morning view is very dramatic. I'll have to get that one of these days.

Yesterday earlier in the day we took the dogs for a walk to the lake and came back by way of the creek.

Such a beautiful day yesterday - sunny and warm for November.

Dave isn't supposed to strain or lift anything heavy for a week but he couldn't resist carrying two small rocks home from the lake.

I feel like I overbooked my activities today. I have PT in the morning and then a possible lunch in Mercer with Sebastian and then dinner in Clarion with Chloe. But I noticed this morning that Andy has a swelling on the left side of his face so all that might change.

autumn, backyard, lensbaby soft focus, lake, d5600, z5, dave, andy

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