Taking a computer break. I've been sitting, crocheting in the living room with Dave as he watches (and falls asleep watching) Seinfeld on his phone. I can't see it but just listening is still funny. Just now got done putting a red border around the flower afghan and wanted to get a picture of it. I think I will still put 2 more contrasting colors of border on it but I need a break - my wrist is getting carpal tunnel-y. .
Rainy must get on whatever is spread on the bed.
Details. This is the first time I have joined granny squares this way. I like the look of those little red stitches.
Dave playing at being Whistler's Mother for me. I had to flip the picture to make it match Whistler's. All the interference around Dave's face is because I used the soft focus lensbaby lens and it really heightens backlight.
Rainy is just not herself since we went to the vet yesterday. Whimpering yesterday evening when I touched her left foot/ankle. They did something to her there (got blood?) while I was holding her head so I didn't see what they did. That doesn't seem to be an issue today, but she's just more subdued than usual. I read about heart murmurs and it doesn't sound like a good thing to have! Hopefully it will be a long time before it gets bad. A new thing to worry about...