
Jan 01, 2023 07:18

We played "dice" last night. Jules tried to find the rules or the name to the dice game we used to play when he was a kid but couldn't find it online. I guess it was a lot like Farkle but we must have made our own rules up. You score to 10,000 but have to hit 10,000 on the dot to win so you might be stuck just under 10,000 for a while and the other players can catch up to you. The person in the lead during the game doesn't have much better of a chance to win than everyone else. Anyway Jules, Roswell and I had fun. I made vegan bean soup and vegan oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookie bars. The cookies were really good so of course I ate too many. They are gone today - good. Sebastian didn't stay for the game and I gave him a bunch to take home.

I get the weekly email with Isolation Journals Sunday Prompts from Suleika Jaouad and this was her writing prompt this morning:

1. What in the last year are you proud of?
2. What did this year leave you yearning for?
3. What’s causing you anxiety?
4. What resources, skills, and practices can you rely on in the coming year?
5. What are your wildest, most harebrained ideas and dreams?

I think I will use these prompts in my paper journal.

There is a saying that what you do a lot of on the first day of the new year you will do a lot of the whole year. I will be cleaning today and reorganizing rooms. After I have surgery on my right eye tomorrow I won't be able to lift much weight or bend over for a while so I need to get a lot of the cleaning done for Johnny, Alison and Michael's upcoming visit done now.

I dreamed about cleaning last night. I was bringing the cot frame from the goat shed over to the house with Alison's help. We were going to spray it with the hose and dry it before we brought it in. John was alive in the dream and he had a new caregiver. I was showing the new guy around and telling him about how our dad had built the house himself. In the dream the house was not as nice as it was when dad was alive and still keeping it up (kind of like it is now) but it was still an impressive feat to have built a house I thought. The new guy was very friendly and I felt close to him already - like I was his mother hen. He was helping me with the heavy lifting that I needed to get done. New scene in the dream: It was evening and the sun was going down. I was running. Running effortlessly down a dirt road. There was a woman laying on a chaise lounge on her porch with an obviously huge new boob job. Naked to the waist. The boobs stood out like giant cream colored gum drops with smaller gum drops as nipples. (Ha - why gumdrops?) I passed a little girl who wanted me to stop so she could show me something in a basket. There were turtles in the basket. The shells of the turtles looked like gumdrops. I made some kind of little comment complimenting her on having pet turtles but I wanted to keep going and get home. Keep running. The road went into a dark woods and it was very hard to see. I assumed in the dream that soon my eyes would get accustomed to the dark but they weren't yet and I was basically running blind. End of dream.

Gum drops. Semi-opaque. Semi-translucent. Discs inserted in breasts. Discs inserted in eyes. Running blind. Tortoise turtle. Tortoise rim spectacles. I am concerned about not being able to see very well after the cataract surgery, until I get new glasses. I love seeing things! (Who doesn't?) Being able to read. I'll be glad when this is all settled, done and over with. Hopefully by the end of February.

dream, jules, list, writing prompts, eyes, games, cataracts, new years

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