I'm nearly done making hexagons for the latest lap robe. When I get done making 20 then I tack the 20 together into a little bundle so I can keep track of them. This is a picture of the bundles I have so far. I just need 2 more bundles and then I can start sewing everything together.
Last night for something to do (because it rained all day) Dave, Johnny and I drove to Slippery Rock to eat at Elephant 8 Thai Taste. I got a dish with cashews, pineapple, peppers, onions and scallions and sweet chili sauce (number 4 heat). I only ate half and brought the rest home so I could save room for Thai donuts for dessert. Heavy rains all the way, going and coming. At least 3 times we went through huge puddles that drenched the truck. When we pulled into the driveway Dave said, "We made it!" We didn't know it was going to be that bad when we set out.
Today we're having a birthday lunch for Johnny and Chloe at Benjamin's and then we'll come back here for pie. I made a pumpkin and an apple pie last night (not really made - just baked frozen Marie Callender ones).
Johnny's been fixing our computer and phone problems but then it seems new ones crop up and he has to fix those. I hope by the time he goes home it all settles down. I have no idea what we'd do without him.