Just passing time in the parking lot of the ophthalmology clinic, waiting for Dave to get his eyeshot.
On the way here Dave and I were talking about our next lives and what we'd like to do next time. I suggested we try marriage together again and he agreed. That felt good. We aren't doing that bad this time but maybe we could do even better next time. I'd like to get a ukulele as a child next time and have music lessons early in life. Surely no parent would refuse me a ukulele. Dave would have liked to be a teacher but he got into it too late this time around. Too bad reincarnation isn't real (or is it?) It'd be nice to get a head start on these things we just discovered late in life that we love. I also wish I had started hiking earlier in life. I could have done long distance hiking. Think of all the wonderful trails I could have experienced. I'm lucky now to do 4 or 5 miles at a time and that's without carrying a pack. Okay, so I got a taste of it at least while I was here this time. What would "god" (the Universe) think I need to be a more well rounded person? What have I failed at this time? It would be great to not be so compulsive and to be more balanced, not grabbing and reaching for Things (food, art supplies, the next experience) all the time. Be more of a steady, calm person.
It's raining for real now. Before it was just drizzling. Getting colder sitting here in the car.
Thinking about the phrase: be the best You you can be. That's enough. That's the goal. There was a thing I read about where Leonard Cohen's teacher told him that it's okay to make sad songs. Go ahead and make the songs even sadder. Do things to the limit of your ability. Maybe I don't need to be more balanced. Maybe I need to explore even more what makes me, Me this time.
Sebastian got an electric pedal assist bike today and he let me ride it around the front yard in the drizzle. It was so fun! You pedal it like a regular bike but then it takes off (assists) and it is So Easy. I really think that next spring I'd like to get one. I can see myself exploring the countryside around here. There are so many little back roads and dirt roads that would be fun to ride around on. Dave is totally against it (thinks it would be dangerous) but we'll see...