
Jul 29, 2022 06:42

Lately I've been seeing and hearing about lucets (knitting forks) a lot. I didn't know what they were or how they worked before. It is a thing that you can use to make cord. So of course now I want one and I want to try making some cord. I can imagine making cords to hang in the top of doorways, or across windows, necklaces, bracelets - add beads and dangling charms. The cord it makes has the look of braid but it's much easier to do than holding the long strings for braiding. You can hold it easily in your hands as you work on it. The lucet I ordered should arrive today in the mail. Dave laughs at me because I go through so many different crafts and art forms. But I want to do it all. If I can. Life is short. I guess I'm one of those Jack of All Trades, Master of None type people.

In other news, if you can actually call it "news" (it's not): I got the stuff to make quesadillas. On Tuesday Jan and I had them at Casey's and I loved eating mine so much I want to make quesadillas at home now. I got shrimp to put into the ones I'm going to make; in addition to cheese, green pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms and onions.

Also I did paint my nails last night. It is so damned hard for me to sit still and do nothing while nail polish dries. That is the worst part of doing it. I always get smudges on my nails from touching things too soon. Even when I watch TV I want to be doing something else - that's where crochet and handicrafts comes in.

Dave's truck broke down last night and it's in the garage. We'll be sharing my car - plus I already share my car with Sebastian. We'll have to really pay attention to scheduling it for use. This morning looks like a perfect day for me to take Rainy out for a hike at Two Mile. I'm hoping to fit that in after Sebastian brings the car home from his work at 8:30.

octopus of wanting, brownie car, food, weaving

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