Another rock. Some kind of a fossil. I've never seen anything like it before. It's just a rock I found somewhere and saved because I thought I'd make it into a piece of jewelry someday but never did. Edit: looked it up and it's chain coral.
Awake at 2:30 this morning. Jules called. Worried about Rossy. Rossy had the car wouldn't answer his phone. Jules could tell where the car was (Deep Hollow Road) because he has a GPS unit in it. He wanted to go and find the car, and hopefully find Rossy. But then in a few minutes the GPS showed that Rossy was on his way home. So no need to rescue him. But I'm awake now and can't sleep. Teenagers. I imagine all this will get worse now that school is out and Rossy is feeling his oats. So much drama. The older I get the less drama I have in me. That's a good thing. It's no good to meet drama with more drama. Though I still have SOME drama in me. I use it to have heated conversations with people in my head. Conversations that usually, thankfully, don't make it out of my mouth.
Well, that's all the news at 5 am this morning. I think I'll see if I can get back to sleep now.