Last evening three does passed through our front yard. I didn't want to get too close to the window to take the picture so consequently I got poor photos. Tried to improve this one by making it black and white. Jules was here while they passed through and we (Dave, Jules and I) held our breath as they headed to the road and chose a time to cross it. Luckily they did good and got into the horses' field across the road and ran across it and into the woods beyond safely. There are so many deer killed each year in front of our house. It's awful. There's even a "deer crossing" sign out there but I doubt that helps much.
Planning to go to the Clarion River today and meet up with Dave's family. It won't be a good day for swimming (for me at least - I like 90 degree days for that) but it'll be good for watching the river and sitting around a fire. Hopefully I'll get a hike in too.