The peonies out front are a little more open this morning and we had rain again last night so I thought I'd check it out.
Not a great looking morning. Wet. Going to pass on hiking with Jan. I'm giving all my lapidary equipment to Alison and Johnny this weekend and want to go through that today. Giving it away is what I want to do but at the same time it makes me sad. The end of a DREAM. I always figured someday I'd go into rock shaping and polishing mode and make a whole bunch of beautiful cabochons. But I kind of lost interest many years ago and that stuff has sat in the basement gathering dust for years. Realistically I know I won't be using it. Still it makes me sad to let go of it. I am going to keep my very first lapidary machine - not as nice as what I'm giving away but still usable in case I do ever need to shape or polish a rock so there is that to comfort me. And giving it away will give me more room both upstairs and downstairs to organize other stuff that I might be more likely to use. Maybe I will finally get busy and consolidate or give away some other stuff. I just wish I didn't feel like I was grieving as I did it.
What I really need to do today is practice piano. I have my lesson tonight. So there's my day ahead of me - piano and digging through STUFF.