
Apr 06, 2022 07:05

Rainy and I checked out a trail at Two Mile yesterday. The straight and wide woods road that goes from Partridge Rd to the Hill Top Pavilion. There were a few muddy spots but it wasn't that bad. I think it'll be perfect for Candy next Monday.

Here's a few pix with the IR chrome filter from yesterday. It makes living foliage and certain clothing that is highly reflective of infrared light look red but everything else stays the normal colors we are used to:

Took a little break on our walk at Two Mile to eat an orange. Dave got these oranges at Aldi's and boy, are they good.

The wide and flat woods road.

Puff ball kind of fungus. Different from regular puff balls - this grows on dead trees and all the puff balls are the same size.

Back home. Dave watching netflix on his phone with the dogs. I can assure you that the only thing that looks red in reality is that pillow behind Dave's head. Everything else red in the picture, to our normal eyes looks either green, gray, or brown.

Plans for the day...
Go to WWW group in the morning. I think I will be taking my crochet - just easier to carry.
Go with Dave to Meadville and drive him home after his eye shot.
Take a walk around Meadville to fill time while Dave is in the clinic.
Putter here at home with piano practice and artsy stuff.

kolari - ir chrome, 2 mile run, women's group, rainy, macular degeneration, infrared photography, dave, andy

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