using right hand
a new and perhaps better day
i can now hold a pen in my right hand
i'm holding it 4 inches from the working end but i am holding it
i didn't realize before how much your wrist is used in drawing and writing
now that i can use the right hand for more things
i'm having to make decisions of which hand to use for certain things
it's still easier to type on the laptop with the left hand (one finger typing)
the cast feels less itchy today
it somehow changed during the night last night
my doctor visit yesterday went well
doctor david is the king of bedside manner
you always feel better after you see him
when he walks into the room he always says
"hi neighbor"
he lives about a mile or so away
on the other side of the creek
he notices everything about you
(if you burned your arm on the oven he notices
if you have a bruise on your hand he notices
and asks about it
if you have paint under your nails he wants to know what you're painting)
he came in and was immediately shocked to see the cast
had to touch it all over and gently feel my fingers
he's a back patter and a toucher
told him about having covid and he said he just recently got over it too
commiserated with me on the tiredness
he's retiring this coming december
i'll miss him
he comes from a family of doctors
his father delivered me
his mother was my mother's doctor
his uncle was my childhood doctor
he himself took care of mom and dad to the end of their lives
doctor david tells the story that he wanted to be a forester when he was young
wanted to spend all day in the woods
but his parents wouldn't let him
i'm glad they got their way
he became a good doctor
so anyway
my bloodwork showed that my triglycerides are way up from what they were 6 months ago
but i'm not going to worry
i'm pretty sure they are high because i am getting virtually no exercise right now and
i'm spending a lot of time in bed
that will change by itself as spring gets here and this cast comes off
i will get back to hiking again when i don't have to wade through snow
what level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at?
it adjusts itself
but i do like it bright
what do you think is the most overrated movie?
it's subjective
i like certain kinds of movies
movies that make me laugh
or cry
i don't like movies that scare me or make me tense
i have no answer to the question beyond that
dave's back out on the ice today
i have the house to myself
i think i'll experiment with finding out what i can do with my right hand today
maybe i can even weave with the pin loom?
if i use the left as the dominate hand maybe the right can be the helper hand?
or not
sounds hard
maybe just stick with left hand piano practice
and perhaps try painting with the right using a long handled paint brush