I’m trying to prepare for the next couple weeks when I don’t have my laptop. I do love to take photos with my actual camera and then process them with the Elements program on my laptop. I tried out alternative things yesterday. Dave’s computer. Something wrong with the optical drive so I can’t load Elements. Tried my iPad (that’s what I’m writing this with now) but it is not to my liking for processing photos. Tried my old Windows 7 laptop. It will process the photos but I can’t get it connected to the internet. I’m going to keep trying to figure out a workaround. Maybe I will prepare my photos with the old laptop and then bring them to the iPad with a thumb drive. Something.
I have not used this iPad (for interneting) for a long time. When I got a nicer smartphone the iPad was regulated to be only a music player. I have forgotten a lot of apple’s ways. Hmmm. Maybe I’ll just start using it (the iPad) as my camera for a while. That will save some steps. A Day without Photos is a Boring Day (to me).
From where I’m sitting at the moment. iPad photo.
Well, I’ll figure something out. I’m not crazy about typing with one finger on the iPad as my method to write. What if I just quit my morning LJ writing for the duration? This has been a daily ritual for a long time. If I quit would I get out of the habit and stop for good. Live a “real” (non digital) life? I remember when one of my LJ friends, Joan Blindsight decided to quit. Then she came back for a short while as
sally_farinacea. When she was gone I imagined her as living a richer life, being outdoors, talking to real life people and not on the computer. Would my life be richer without writing and showing pictures about it every day?
Another photo from where I’m sitting at the moment.
Time to get out there and do chicken chores now. It’s a frosty morning. I think I will try to get out early before OA this morning and walk in the cemetery. It should be one place that’s safe from the hunters to walk.