
Oct 20, 2021 05:57

After my dental appointment yesterday I decided to go ahead and get my flu shot and covid booster - that is what Dave had done earlier in the morning so I thought it would be a good idea for me too. If we do it at the same time it will be easier to remember it later. I got home from that and was exhausted. I checked my BP while I was in the pharmacy and it was high, just like my readings were at home. But I'm going to give it a week and see if it will go back down to normal and if it doesn't I'll talk to the doctor about it then. Napped in the afternoon. When I got up I felt better and took Rainy along when I drove Sebby to work thinking maybe on the way home I could stop and have a walk in the woods. Here's some pictures from that:

I think this is poison ivy.

Rainy Day.

I got a new lensbaby. Sol 45. It can make this cool rippled bokeh if you put its two little flippers in front of the aperture. I probably overdid the fancy bokeh this time. Next time I go out with the lens I think I will experiment with just putting one flipper out and see how that works. Less might be more.

Back near the parking area is a picnic spot. I became very tired on the walk and was dragging my feet by the time I got here. Usually I try to make trail loops that take me about 2 or 3 miles but I cut this walk short.

I slept the good sleep last night. My arms are sore from the shots yesterday but it's not that bad. My blood pressure is still high this morning but a walk in the woods with Jan today might do me good.

high bp, covid-19, 2 mile run, exhausted, nikon z5, vaccination, lensbaby sol 45, blood pressure, tired

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