Good morning, rainy morning.
I've got the toothache under control for now. My dentist ordered me some antibiotics yesterday and I think that is helping already. If I keep up with regular doses of tylenol every 6 hours it doesn't get too bad between pain pills. 5 am and 11 am, 5 pm and 11 pm.
I took Rainy for a walk to the creek and lake yesterday afternoon - some pictures:
Little white wings.
Tiny worm.
New England asters. My favorite aster.
The lake.
Our woods.
Around the time I was taking the pictures of the asters Rainy wandered off. I called her and called her. Got very worried when she didn't come - she always comes. My biggest fear was that she was taken by an eagle (I doubted that would have happened though - I would have heard something) or that she fell in the creek and was washed away. I called Dave with my cellphone to see if he would bring Andy down and maybe Andy could find her. When he answered the phone he said he was just getting ready to come down and find me because he wondered what happened to me - Rainy had come to the door all by herself and wanted in. Silly little dog. I wonder if she thought I had gone home without her? Or she couldn't find me so she thought it best just to go home. We were about 3/4 mile away from home. Anyway, after I knew she was safe I continued with my photo spree.
Today looks like rain all day. Poor Applefesters. A day to do indoor things here - piano practice and mini trampoline, crochet and Grey's Anatomy. I need to go to town though - I only have one more dose of tylenol.