I've already had a big day and it's only 11 o'clock. We went for our blood work (fasting) and then breakfast at Eat n' Park. Then shopping at the hardware store for something to kill poison ivy. Soon we will be leaving for Meadville so Dave can get his eye shot. This afternoon we pick up Chloe from work in Clarion so she can get her car from the garage and have dinner with her. A full day. I should try to fit in some piano practice too - I've missed many days this week.
Here's some pictures from the hike that Jan and I did yesterday. We ended up going to Oil Creek State Park and hiking 4.6 miles up and down hills to Pioneer Falls. We climbed the equivalent of a 66 story building. Pennsylvania definitely has hills.
Jan was thinking about a particular trail that has a little old underground building at the head of the trail. She wasn't sure where it was but I thought she meant this place.
Success - this is the place.
Many old oil barrels in the woods here and there.
Or destination - Pioneer Falls. Poor beech trees - all carved up.
Very nice. Refreshing cool air raising up from the falls.
A funny mushroom.
At first glance I thought these dark lines were carved into the dead tree but after looking closer we came to find that they were a network of fibers or roots.
You can see how they were growing under the bark. Weird.
And old oil boom era building that is right beside the trail.
Not much of a roof now.
Fallen in door.
Our destionation - a view of Oil Creek far below and the bike trail bridge that goes over it. Sorry - can't really see it very well with my phone camera...
Jan is a trooper. Me too I guess. You can see how steep the hills are that we were climbing.
Fungus with scales.
A black snake we came across on the dirt road coming back. I like how they crinkle up like that sometimes. When they start to move and wiggle away it all smooths out. Maybe this is an attempt at camouflage?
Bonus pic.
The doggos this morning. How can two beings that look so different be of the same species?