It's been raining off and on all day but I did take a little walk with Rainy down back. Picked these daffodils from the patch that Grandma planted. Talked with sister Kathy and we both are thinking that it must have been Grandma H, our dad's mom who planted them. She took a lot of interest in the cottage that used to be down there and I'm sure I remember hearing that she had planted the white pine tree that was down there. It would follow that she'd plant other things too. In front of the daffodils are some of the squares that I've woven for Sebby's blanket. Blues, browns, greens and grays. I want to have it done by August so he can take it to college with him.
It is tick season and it seems like every time I go out I pick up a tick or two. God, I do hate them. But I'm not giving up on nature because of them, damn it. Some people I know of have quit going out in the woods. No way can I do that. So I have to put up with it. I have my special "tick pants" - pants that Dave has spayed with pyrethrum, a tick repellent and that helps but I still find ticks on me. I found one last night on my thigh before it had attached. Last Thursday while at my piano lesson I looked down at my hand and there was a tick walking across my thumb. I told my teacher I had to stop and do something about it and she didn't blink an eye (I was glad). She pulled out a paper towel, I put it in and she squirted some hand sanitizer on it, folded it up and put in the garbage. No big deal. She must have ticks in their yard too. That's the way it has become here - no big deal. Life goes on.