
Mar 13, 2021 06:20

Woke up from a dream where I was taking care of a baby girl. We were staying in a fancy hotel or spa where there were sweeping curved stairways and huge bathrooms with white tile partitions and different sections. The little baby was the size of a newborn but capable of walking and talking. She was very feisty and active. While I wasn't paying attention she had gotten herself into a floor drain in the bathroom. I was horrified that she would slip farther down and be lost. I couldn't reach her and was encouraging her to climb out, which she eventually did. But then she was laughing at me and running away from me and tumbled down a long flight of stairs. I ran after her and took note in the dream that instead of running down the stairs after her (using my feet) I flew down them - kind of like the way super heroes are upright and able to hover in the air (though I had just been watching Wanda Vision last night so that might be where I got that bit). She had a slight head injury and was acting subdued from the way she had been. I brought her to bed with me and cradled her there. This dream was probably as close to a nightmare as any I might have. The baby being in the drain was horrible. After lying in bed thinking about the dream for a while I seemingly spontaneously had the thought that it would be a great idea to clean up my jewelry workbench. I actually felt drawn to doing it and excited about it. But of course now that I'm up and moving around I don't feel so much like doing it. Hopefully I can conjure that energy up again.

I am feeling more energetic and hopeful. Maybe it's getting the first of the vaccine shots. Maybe it's just Spring's arrival. When you go outside the birds are so loud. Even the light looks different. Yesterday was another beautiful day. I took Rainy to Two Mile in the morning and hiked the Big Rock hill with her. There were some trails I wanted to get figured out in my head. When I got home from that I found Dave in bed. He had thrown his back out while working in his garden. If it goes the way it usually does for him it'll take a few days before he's back to normal again. He has so many things on his plate right now (plumbing projects, electrical things to fix, his garden, buildings he wants to build) I was not surprised that the stress made his back go out. One of the things I want him to do is make a bigger enclosure for the chickens. Now I'm wondering what I can do about it myself so I can take that pressure off him. I used to do more things (half-assed) by myself before I married him. He is so good at building and doing things that it has ended up that he does them all now, and he does them right. But I am capable of jury-rigging something together. It won't look good but it'll serve the purpose.

I think the mind/body connection is so interesting. I have observed myself when lying in bed thinking my thoughts. Inert. Then a certain thought appears (like this morning - clean the workbench) and suddenly my body moves, it locks into motion. I swivel to the edge of the bed. The autopilot of getting up. Searching in the dark for my socks and slippers. Reaching for my phone and glasses. The body has become animated. A certain thought sparked it. I don't even think, I'll get up now. It just happens.

Maybe this will become the "before" picture. This mess has been building up since 2013 when we moved back into this house and I set up my work area. The plastic of the ice cube trays that I use to keep track of small parts is so old that they are crumbling and falling to pieces now. If I want to continue with this system, believing I will ever get back to jewelry production again (doubtful), then I will need to get new ones or find a different system. There is actually a finished pendant in this picture (lower left). I made it months ago but didn't want to take the time to list it on etsy. I have so little interest in being a productive jewelry maker anymore. If I clean this up, reorganize it, what will come next?

studio pix, 2 mile run, thinking, thinking and planning, workbench, dream, hiking alone, mess, nightmare, dave

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