Feb 07, 2021 09:32
Snowing right now. 20F. I lit a stick of palo santo incense. There is a window over the kitchen sink that has a leak so the air blows in there. That's where I put my incense.
Yesterday afternoon Sebby and took the dogs for a walk down back and then in the evening he came over and we played music together. When he was in high school he was in a band so he's familiar with playing music with others. I am not. And as I've said before I'm not very good. I really enjoy practicing piano but I think it's because in my head I'm hearing myself how I want to sound - not how I really do sound. Anyway he was very patient with me and finally after 2 hours we were able to play a semblance of the song The Sound of Silence together. I was thrilled! The plan is to work on it again today.
One of the questions going around LJ right now is something like, "How do you feel about hunting?". I'm married to someone who is a hunter and fisherman who eats primarily only the game that he kills himself. Also his best friend is a hunting dog. My son and his sons next door are all vegans (though the boys will eat things made with our own chickens' eggs) and I've been a pesco-vegetarian (fish eating vegetarian) for 30 years now. It's complicated. When I think of the miserable lives that some animals commercially raised for food (chickens and pigs in particular) have I can definitely see Dave's point that if you are going to eat meat anyway it's better to kill a wild animal that at least had a real life for a while. Though, not every kill is a clean kill. That is my problem with hunting - many animals end up wounded and suffering. If you can find ethically, pasture raised meat to buy then good for you. I'm a little ashamed of myself that I'm still eating cheese when I know the sufferings that many milk cows go through - shut up in a barn in a stall with their food brought in to them. The pasture raised meat cows have a better life - outdoors, staying with their mothers till they wean themselves naturally. Anyway - back to hunting. I would never hunt an animal or kill it unless it was a mercy killing. I wouldn't even want to fish and be involved with killing a fish - though I do enjoy the benefits of being married to a fisherman and love to eat the fish he brings home.
I hear the arguments coming from both sides constantly - the vegans and hunter. It all makes me want to wish my life was over so I didn't need to eat anything ever again. Next time (if there is a next time) let me come back as a tree or plant so I only need to eat what is freely offered - sun and rain.