
Jan 10, 2021 09:05

I took Rainy for a walk yesterday at Two Mile. It has been a while since it's been just me and Rainy taking a walk there alone. Nice. From afar we saw a group of 3 young people with 2 long tall dogs of some kind - maybe Dobermans. It wasn't a good time of day for photography - the sun was too high and sharp. I plan to go back again today.

I was very hungry when I got home yesterday and decided to make spaghetti, or something like spaghetti. I used linguini noodles instead and put them into a 9 x 13 pan after they were cooked. Kind of like I was making a tray of lasagna. I sautéed onions, mushrooms and peppers then simmered that in the marinara sauce with vegan meatballs. Poured that over the noodles and topped it with mozzarella. Baked it for 30 minutes. It was really good. But I made too much. Used 2 pounds of noodles, 2 peppers, 3 onions, 2 boxes of mushrooms, 2 packages of meatballs and a huge bottle of spaghetti sauce and a huge bag of cheese. It made two pans of the stuff. How are Dave and I going to eat all that? Because it has cheese it's not strictly vegan so I can't get the Vegans Next Door to help me. Hazel has been not wanting to eat what I make - maybe she's trying to be more independent. I had it for breakfast this morning and I imagine I will be eating it for every meal till it's gone. Maybe I should divide up the second pan and try to freeze it? That is not something I usually do.

I've added a few new people to my LJ reading list. Sometimes I ignore the email from LJ with suggestions but sometimes I do look into who LJ thinks I might like to read. Many times they are right. It's kind of fascinating that there are so many interesting journals out there.

I remember...
I remember how when we first moved into this house in 1999 we painted EVERYTHING white. It was a big job. Dave thought we would only be living here a few years (till Mom, Dad and John next door were gone) and it would be easier to sell a house that was a neutral white. Then after moving back into this house in 2013 (after 5 years of living with mom next door) I wanted COLOR. Living room gold and turquoise, our bedroom yellow, kitchen celery green. My new studio space had been Chloe's old room and she had painted it a fluorescent green (scary). I did paint that white - I wanted my studio to be neutral. Here it is 8 years down the road and some places in the house really need a touchup. I'd rather just totally repaint something than touch it up. Something to think about.

Got word from Johnny that he's doing pretty good getting over covid. He'll probably go back to work tomorrow. Alison still has a bad cough. Michael mainly has a lot of tiredness.

Dave and I are going to do the early Sunday morning shopping thing at Walmart today. Get there before the maskless yahoos get there and breathe on everything. I've wanted to do that for a while but then every Sunday morning I don't feel like going. Today's finally the day...

covid-19, recipe, shopping, 2 mile run, food, 2021 i remember, livejournal, alison, johnny

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