The question:
29 What’s your favorite color in the Crayola 64-crayon box? If you are super-fancy and sophisticated and use the 150-crayon size box, that’s fine, too. Ya diva.
I don't have the Crayola crayons to look at but I do have the Prismacolor colored pencils and Canary Yellow is my favorite:
Yesterday in my restlessness and dissatisfaction with life I started a new LJ. Totally anonymous with no real names or identifying characteristics. Just a place to write the crap I don't feel comfortable writing anywhere else. But I'm going to leave it open for public reading and see what happens with that. I do already have another LJ that is "friends only" but I rarely write there. I only have one friend. Ha. Sometimes I start writing there and then see the stuff I'm writing would be okay for egg-shell so I cut and paste it over to here anyway. This new journal is for the Dark Side of me. (I have to smile as I write that - probably all that will be revealed is that I'm a whiny baby). But maybe I can play at being a whole new person with a whole new writing style. That's the hope.
Another sunny beautiful day. But now this year for the first time Pennsylvania has decided to have Sunday buck hunting! So I still can't really go hiking in the woods anywhere. I did talk to Sebby last night and he'd like to walk the cemetery with me so that's on the agenda for later this morning.