The question:
10 What was the last really bad movie you watched, and what was bad about it?
What is bad for me is many times good for Dave. There are quite a few netflix DVDs that I get with Dave in mind, (I'm in charge of the netflix ordering) or I think maybe I might like them too but then I don't. If I start to watch them with Dave and then I change my mind I just leave. I don't even remember what the movies were. To me a movie is "bad" if it has too much violence, meanness, cruelty, even too much suspense. I'm a wimp. Last night Dave watched the movie
Free Solo about a guy who climbs Yosemite's El Capitan alone without a safety rope. I thought Dave would like it and maybe I would too but I couldn't watch it. Made me way too nervous. It wasn't a "bad" movie though. Just unwatchable by me.
Seed. One of my usual creepy looking fetuses. :-)
Today I'm hiking with Jan. We're starting at the dam at Lake Wilhelm. Another beautiful sunny day.