The question:
19 If you had to be obsessed with money, sex, sports, religion or food, which one would you choose?
So far in life I have had turns at being obsessed with some of those things and not in a good way. It might be good to be obsessed with money for a while so I could accumulate some. Though I doubt I will be. Right now I am obsessed with the tarot cards again. And thinking about and collecting new crochet patterns. I go through spells of it. Rotating obsessions.
Dave helped me put Autumn down yesterday. Thank god for someone who can kill. Killing can be a good thing. It was very quick and she didn't feel anything. I'm relieved that she isn't suffering anymore. Yesterday I pulled cards in the morning as a help to figure out if I could do the deed with Autumn or not. The 5 cards I got (from 5 different decks) were the King of Swords (2 of them), the Queen of Swords (1) and the Two of Cups (2). That was interesting. It really did seem to be telling me that "today is the day" for logical action and love.
"Dad's Chair" on the hill above the pet cemetery. Every time as we come up from burying an animal it seems appropriate to get a picture of this chair. Maybe there is someone sitting there watching over the proceedings.
Rainy and I hiked at Two Mile again yesterday afternoon. I'm learning the paths around the hill above the campground now. And I found a way down to the lake from there. I knew there must be a way because I've seen people at the shore there. That felt like a triumph to find the trail down to the water.
Rossy and I are doing a new thing for his breakfast which I like. He says he's not that hungry at 6:30 - the old time to eat that he had picked before. So I suggested we make the time more variable and I'll just text him when I have it ready, sometime before 8:30. Gives me a lot more time to lounge in the morning before I need to get out to the kitchen.
Raining. We are supposed to have many days of rain coming up. This will be a good week to stay in and work on the mosaic. Or take a morning nap first. I might do that now.