The question:
29 If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?
I'd like to see Jesus at his Sermon on the Mount (hoping that I could understand the language). Why? Just to see how real it was. I'm not a Christian and don't believe everything in the Bible per se. I'd like to think there was truly a person named Jesus though. What was he really like? What did he really say? The bible is a re-creation by men of what they thought he said. I don't trust explicitly every thing men do.
A damp morning. We got quite a bit of rain in the night though the rain seems to be over for the moment.
I wrote the above in the morning and got called away. It did rain a couple more times, even a thunder storm but now, 6 pm it's nice and dry.
I got an idea for a handmade book I want to make. I've been wanting to use my colored pencils more but I rarely do. I had an old pad of Strathmore 400 series Artagain paper in the basement in assorted tints. I took the papers out of the pad and now I'm folding the papers so I can sew them into a book form. 12" x 9" papers will make a 9" x 6" book. Thinking that maybe if I have a special book it will spur me on to fill it up. Words, that might become poems; colors and lines, that might become drawings. I'm not going to put a lot of pressure on myself. Just a little doodle with words each day is all I will expect from myself. I need to glue some cloth on the front and back boards to make a hard cover for it, let that dry and then I can get on with sewing it together.
AYOP - A Year Of Poetry. I was looking through my old books and journals today and found this one. I thought I remembered that I had tried to have a dedicated poetry journal once. I started it on Feb 5, 2010 and made the last entry on Jan 12, 2011. That's pretty good. I didn't quite fill it but I did a poem a day for 11 months straight. Not many were good poems but they were attempts at least. I numbered the pages ahead of time for a whole year - that made it more likely to actually do it each day. If I number the pages on this book I'm making now I will be done in 96 days.