31 If you had to choose one or the other, would you rather live where it’s hot all the time or cold all the time?
If I HAD to choose it would be hot. I like summer and sandals and just walking out the door in the clothes I am wearing. But I do love living here where we get all the seasons. I love seeing the change in seasons. Summer is racing by too fast right now though. I can't believe it is the last day of July already. Sebby will be gone, back to college in 2 weeks.
Yesterday Sebby and I biked from the Rockland tunnel to Emlenton and got food from the Little IT Deli. We ate our calzones at a picnic table in a decrepit gazebo beside the bike trail in Emlenton. On the way we saw a porcupine crossing the road. From far away Sebby said what's that? I knew from the way it moved it was a porcupine. They have a way of lumbering when they walk. Sebby made the observation that they walk like they weigh 5 times more than then do. We got close and I pulled out my phone for a picture but it was gone into the weeds too soon.
For the first time in a very long time I did not nap yesterday. I felt energetic as evening came on and took Rainy for a hike at Two Mile. We went on the Splane Trail. It is a bike trail and 3 young mountain biker guys came by and passed us. Rainy is getting better with passersby. She used to freak out and want to run away down the trail but she is now accepting that we move off to the side and stand still and wait as they pass. I usually get some comment about her being a cute dog. A while ago a couple women came by us while I was holding her and one said aw, look it's a teddy bear. The other said no, it's an Ewok.
Pictures of different stuff:
Just now. Where I sit and write in the morning in my paper journal.
Sebby parking his bike at my favorite bench coming back from Emlenton.
Yesterday's eggs. At this rate I'll be getting 2 dozen a week. The eggs from the young chickens (the brown and green ones) aren't very big. I think they would be excellent for pickled eggs though.
Two dumb things I did:
1. I knew (after failing 2 times) that almond milk will not make instant pudding - it just stays runny and never sets. So I bought real milk so I could make a pudding pie. I went to make it yesterday afternoon and FORGOT to use the milk I had bought especially for it. Halfway through whisking it I realized it wasn't setting up. Damn. I used the wrong milk. So now we have to drink pudding, again.
2. I keep on getting poison ivy. My ankles look awful. Why can't I seem to recognize it? I grass whipped a new path down the hill last week. One that wasn't so steep and later I found I went right through a patch of it. Stupid.