Milo is still with us. I got him some drops for his ear. So maybe if his ear infection gets cleared up he'll make it a while longer. I don't want him to suffer and the vet told me some things to watch for that will show if he's in pain or if the kidney problem gets worse:
Sits hunched up with his eyes closed for long periods of time (yes, sometimes for an hour or so, but then he'll lay on his side curled up and have a good sleep too so I need to keep an eye on that).
Loss of interest in food (he loves to eat still - actually more so than he did a year ago).
Vomiting (has not vomited in weeks and even then it was rare).
Changes in his urinary habits (that has been odd for a long time. He doesn't like to use the litter box so I put down pads that he pees on).
Drinking a lot more or a lot less (not noticing that).
Now I feel like I am watching every little thing and trying to make judgments. I pray (to god, to the thing inside me that makes good decisions) that it'll hit me over the head and tell me when it's time. I have to trust that that will happen. The vet and I did discuss the procedure for putting him to sleep in this time of covid. They will allow one person to be with him when they do it. That is an exception to the usual vet visits where we wait in the car and they take the animal in themselves and then call you to talk about things on the cellphone.
Yesterday was the first day we let the young chicks out of the coop into the run. They were pretty scared and didn't want to leave the safety of the coop. Blondie did venture out for a short time - flew over to the perch. Leftie, Sunshine and Red did too. Then without going down to the ground they flew back over and went back inside. So this morning I helped and lifted them all down to the ground and they had a good time exploring the grass and earth. Some pictures:
Clustered in the doorway scared about coming out. This is when I finally reached in there and lifted them down.
Peanut Butter walks by and they pay attention to her. In the picture they look as big as her but that is definitely not the case - she is 4 or 5 times bigger.
The little coop with chicks out - they are all mainly in the shadows.
The question:
28 What’s the one song that could be the theme song your life? (Post a link?)
I've said this before - I'm just not good at these kind of questions. I have no idea what to answer.