
Mar 08, 2020 09:23

The sadness of not having my morning dose of mallorys_camera on LJ! But she is still writing on dreamwidth (under the same name) so she's just a click away. I don't like having to do that extra click but I guess I will get used to it. I also have an account on dreamwidth under the name summersgate but I never write there. Every once in a while I have my LJ backed up onto dreamwidth. Haven't done it for a long time.

The question:
8 It’s International Women’s Day. Who is a woman you greatly admire and why do you admire her?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg comes to mind. I recently saw the movie On the Basis of Sex about her and also the documentary about her called RBG. She's a tough cookie. I admire her morals and her energy.

A sunny beautiful morning.

Today - the cleaning of the house continues.

dreamwidth, livejournal, 2020 366 questions, summersgate

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