One more round to go on this group. It is fun (to me) to decide which color will go next on them. I want to use all the yarn colors evenly. So for example in this whole group I will be using bright pink 4 times - once each in the center round, the 2nd round, and the 3rd and the fourth rounds. I'd like to think that the blanket will have an even blend of all the colors then.
Hazel is moving in with us today. She got a transfer in her job up to Meadville and she will be staying with us to save money for a while. I'm quite happy about it. I love having Hazel around. I don't know if I have mentioned it here much before but having my grandson Gabriel change (or become her real self) as Hazel, has given me a granddaughter that I never had before. I loved him as a grandson but I enjoy having her as a granddaughter even more.