brain ramblings

Nov 21, 2018 19:38

Watching old episodes of Big Bang. Drinking a Redd’s Apple Ale. I got all the stuff done today that I wanted to do so it’s time to relax now. Typing. I love to type actually. I wish playing a musical instrument came as easily. My hope is that someday it will. I need to practice more I guess. The position of your fingers on a typing keyboard is more natural than trying to hold the frets on the ukulele. A piano is similar to a typing keyboard though. I even have a piano. I got it back in 1980 when Pat and I moved into a house in Bradleytown. The people who were moving out sold it to me for only $150. I felt like it was a bargain. I did play it when we lived in that house. Very slowly picking out notes. Never got very good at it but I loved playing chords - making them up as I went along - very moody. When Pat and I divorced and I moved in with my parents I had the piano moved into their garage. It sat there till 2000 when we moved into this house and at that time we moved it to the basement. So it hasn’t been touched much since 1983 - the year of the divorce. When Mike and Chloe come for visits Mike goes down to the basement and plays it beautifully. So I know it sounds “good enough”, though it probably needs tuned. I want to move it up from the basement soon and give it a try again. It will be a big effort in many ways. #1 - just moving it. We will need a few people and Dave’s trailer. But before that I will need to get rid of massive amounts of knickknacks and remembrances that are on two shelves in the area I want to place it. I’m thinking I will just put it all in tubs and store it with all the other old stuff in the basement. I have basically given up thinking I will force myself to get rid of stuff. It is easier to not. Though sometimes I do get rid of stuff - but forcing myself just doesn’t work. I really hope the piano can make it around the corner at the front door. If not then it will be a huge disappointment and we will have to take it back down to the basement. I could make a cardboard model of the footprint of it and take that though the front door first to avoid heartbreak later. Yeah, first things first - see if it is even possible.

Another thing I want to do this winter - get the basement ready for clay work and continue working on Chloe’s backsplash mosaic. It will be a big job first to clear an area to work. Jan found out that her knee will need replaced in January so we won’t be able to hike for a few months. She mentioned that she would like to make a mosaic and I offered for her to come here and we could work together on mosaic. Maybe she can’t hike but she could sit and mosaic at a table. I’m hoping that that will give me more of an impetus to get down there and clear a work space if I am doing it for someone else too. A good winter project.

Plans and hopes. Living. Having things to look forward to is good.

Time to get my shower. Dave fell asleep on the couch and I don’t want to watch anymore TV without him.

what to do with myself, playing music, basement, #1, plans, piano

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