Accidental double exposure. That is another cool thing about this camera - it surprises you with stuff like this. I am liking that these photos are a real time chemical reaction to light. Feels authentic. I've always loved the workings of a camera and what is actually happening when taking a photo. About 8 years ago I built a cardboard pinhole film camera but never got any good photos with it. Not sure what I did wrong with it but it was such a long process from taking the photo to getting the negatives and photos back that I lost interest in finding out. I really like this camera cause you get immediate (within 5 minutes as the photo fully develops) feedback on what you might have done wrong (or right).
Foggy morning and chilly.
Maybe it is good that we are waiting another week for Rainy. I know it will be good for her puppies but maybe it is good for us too. Dave is still working on building the fence out back. It isn't just a fence that needs built. It also needs a railing that will go around the edge of a very high area of the porch that drops off to the driveway below. It used to have a wrought iron railing around it but the supports were all rusted off and loose so it needs replaced. It's nice that the weather has cooled off - easier for him to work now.