Rabbit Rabbit.
Yesterday I went biking twice beside the Allegheny River - once early in the morning and then in the evening with Sebastian.
Frankin in the morning fog.
Reno in the sunset.
Usually I get up at 5:30 and get all the chores done and am sitting at my writing desk by 6:15. I am super efficient and everything goes in a certain order to get it done with less steps and the use of less materials. It starts with setting up the coffee pot, going to the basement to clean the litter boxes, get food for the cats and the chickens, going to the chicken coop to open their door and clean the poop out, going to my room to feed the cats, feed Andy, filling the bird feeders out front, getting a bite to eat, taking my pills, getting my coffee and sitting down to write at my desk. But today I wanted to sleep in. It is important that I let the chickens out of their coop early though - there is no food in their coop (just water) and I'm afraid they would get frustrated and start taking it out on each other. So this morning I stumbled out there and let them out so they could eat and went back to bed for dreaming.
I dreamed about 2 families moving into the neighborhood. The one family were Muslims from Pakistan and had lots of kids and a dog. They were taking a trailer down to a place by the creek. And the other family were white republicans - wife and husband, average white churchgoing people and were moving into a newly built house right next door. I was thinking about how I was going to neighbor with this new mix of people. I don't even neighbor much with the people around us right now but I thought since these people were going to be so close and driving by our house all the time I should make more of an effort. The dream seemed to be about me practicing new attitudes and letting go of judgments. Becoming neutral and interacting with them. Those two new neighbors didn't like or trust each other but I was making up my mind in the dream to like and get to know both of them equally.
The recent news of a restaurant not wanting to serve some republicans was so stupid I thought. No different from other restaurants not serving gays or blacks or whatever people they don't like. We live in such a stupid world. How are we ever going to get to know, work with, understand and want to help each other this way? I get so sick of the news and hearing about the fear.
New subject.
Here's a picture I took of Rossy yesterday:
It is supposed to be very hot again today. I was telling Dave we should put the air conditioner into the kitchen window this year. Most years we don't. Haven't used it since we moved back in here in 2013.