I woke up really early this morning. When I have a sale on etsy my tablet makes a sound like a cash register - that's what woke me. So when I got up to go to the bathroom at 3:30 I checked to see what sold. Someone wanted 10 rubber cords. Those are things that I usually make up one at a time as I need them to go with pendants. I was out of the findings I needed to make that many and since I couldn't sleep anyway I got up at 4 and started cutting and soldering jumprings and balling the ends of wires for the S hooks. I puttered around a lot today (ordered more silver and looked at beads I might want to order) and took it very slow. I finally got the 10 cords made and packaged around 3 in the afternoon. By then I really wanted to get out and do something and Dave thought it would be nice to go for a walk in the gamelands near Polk and take Andy. I wore my high rubber boots which I don't much like. They are big and heavy and make me feel like I am slogging though snow even when there is no snow. But you really need them there - the ground is very wet.
Dave walking across the frozen marsh. I think the IR makes it look otherworldly. The top of the ice was frozen but it was easy to break through to the water below.
The plants at the water's edge melting through the ice.
Polk Center in the distance. Frozen pond.
Broad path beside the pond.
To Dave's left was a place where Andy was running around through the weeds and sniffing a rabbit.
Dave waiting for Andy to get out of the weeds. The rabbit came out of the weeds right between Dave and me but I didn't get a photo. I like the moon in the sky.
I wanted a closer picture of Dave to show how the infrared camera cuts right through sunglasses and makes them look like regular glasses. I think that's weird.
A dead deer. Lots of fur scattered all around.
Polk again, a bit closer and a little later in the evening now.
Heading back. Just a little sun left on the top of that hill. The ice was slippery.
BTW there is going to be a full lunar eclipse on Wednesday morning but we won't get to see much of it here on the east side of the country. The moon will be setting in the early morning here before the eclipse makes much headway but the folks on the northern west coast will be able to see it happening.