Oct 18, 2017 20:21
Got up very early so I could be ready for a doctor's appointment at 8:30. It was a follow up with the surgeon for the lumpectomy and I needed to set up for getting a colonoscopy. There were posters in every room saying that recto-colon cancer was the number two cause of cancer death. My question for the nurse was, so what is number one? She didn't know. After I got done with the surgeon he wanted to know if I had any questions. Yes, what is the number one cause of cancer death? Lung cancer. Number 3 is breast cancer.
On the way home I stopped at the local McDonalds and got an egg and cheese biscuit. The restaurant was full of old men. I asked the clerk if they were having some kind of meeting and she said no, they just gather here every morning like this - they're regulars. Very boisterous and they kept on looking at me - maybe to see if they knew me. I sat at the one free table and tried not to listen much - it seemed like it was mainly gossip. Why do they think old women gossip? It is way more an old man thing.
Came home and puttered. That's what I call it when I seem busy but nothing much gets done. I did make a big batch of pumpkin muffins - 3 dozen in all. Checked on the chickens a lot - taking them little treats each time - grapes, kale, a banana. Added a wheelbarrow of grass clippings to the chicken house after Dave mowed with the new mower. Four eggs today. Sebby and Rossy cleaned house after school while I supervised and helped with details. Moved things from place to place (I'd find something out of place and move it). Took pictures of a piece of jewelry I finished a while ago but I haven't listed it yet. No nap, ate too many muffins. Whenever I bake I eat too much - I should know better but I had a hankering for pumpkin. I think I will go to bed early and read.
daily life,
compulsive eating