I love the look of these cards (Golden Tarot):
I really didn't think I had an issue at the time I drew these this morning but I guess I am thinking about how to improve my life, and what I do with my life, so I can apply the cards to that.
1. Ace of Wands - beginning again - a fresh start. There is a book - learning and writing. The death card in this deck (which I got yesterday) has the dead person holding a lily and now an angel is holding a lily and pointing upward. Time to let go and move on. Fire in the back ground - passion. 2. Nine of Cups - nearing completion of love. A dog at my side, a bird that needs cared for, a baby to hold. Pay attention and care for the things that are in my own realm. Do what is in front of me. Enjoy my life. 3. King of Swords - a butterfly sits on the edge of his throne and he holds a sphere (the world?) - the ruler of truth and intellect. The one issue that keeps coming back to me as a compulsive eater is what to do about food? Write down my food to keep track of it, plan my food, calorie count? I really don't want to do that anymore. I have been lately trying to have a better attitude towards what I eat - look at the food in front of me and let my intuition tell me what I should eat and how much. That works most the time but not all the time - sometimes I just want to eat some comfort food and I do. So that is why I don't lose weight - I'm not consistent. I don't have a fence firmly in place. I had an insight the other day. I don't need to worry about my weight - I need to worry (make decisions) about what I eat, and do and think. So these cards (to me) say the same thing. {Ha - of course they do! I can make the cards say whatever I want! I just use the cards to illustrate what I am thinking already}.
Today - nothing much going on till the afternoon when Dave and I will drive over to Clarion to get Johnny for the weekend. I have a pendant with a unicorn that I need to work on. Next up - some jewelry work.