something i wrote just now to futureme

Aug 28, 2016 12:10

Dear FutureMe,
I am surprised lately by how little I want to write on LJ. It has really dried up for me - something I used to do daily, or many times a day even. I just don't feel the need to let people know what is going on with me. I feel boring. Same old, same old. So I am writing here, to you, instead.

On the verge of contacting M. V. to set up a meeting to finalize the mosaic details and the price - maybe I will make the call later today, after noontime. Though I need to remake the spruce tree one more time (the metallic overglaze I used for the pine cones on the top pieces made them dull and dark) I can still show her what I have so far and get her opinion on it. If I need to remake anything cause she doesn't like it then I can do it at the same time I make the new spruce pieces.

Johnny went back to college yesterday. Funny how just having him here for 2 weeks set up a routine with him and makes me feel like we have an empty nest now.

I'm hoping by next year when you (FutureMe) get this the commissioned mosaic will be a remote thing of the past and I will have moved onto something more original to my own style. I hope next to make some small mosaics - a size that will be easy to ship and then sell them on etsy - I have some ideas for that. Maybe by this time next year I will be deeply involved into that. And I hope the jewelry work will be going strong again with enameling and other original media. And as long as I'm mentioning my hopes - I hope Andy will have learned to walk calmly on the leash. Good luck with that FutureMe. I so hope you and Dave will have triumphed there.

All my best to you,

Maybe it's because I'm not taking very many pictures anymore - maybe that's why I have so little to say. Most of what I write here on LJ is about explaining photos.

Also I want to add another thought I had just now - I really look forward to reading postsecret on Sunday mornings. If I had to mention a favorite site that would be it.

Edited - later:
I did call the customer and talked to her husband - she will be gone till later in the week but we tentatively set up for me to come to their house next Saturday and I will be able to show them both what I have so far. I feel much better now - he sounds like a nice guy.

mosaic commission, empty nest, future me, online journal, johnny, postsecret, andy

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