I really don't want to write about it - would rather ignore all this political stuff but I guess everyone at some point wants to say something - so here I go. I am disgusted by the fact that it seems we only have 2 choices and neither one do I want. Why couldn't Bernie make it into the ring? I actually did donate money numerous times to his campaign - hoping that a good man could find his way to the presidency. I guess not. After the first time I donated, periodically I would get more emails from his group with requests to donate and they all talked about hope and change, getting things done and what is fair. Somehow Hillary got my email address and now many times a day I get emails trying to fire me up to be outraged by how badly Donald is treating her and how we must stop Trump - he is so evil - I agree but I don't want to hear about it all day long. There is nothing about hope - it is all about fear - just like Donald is all about fear (fear of the "other"). I'm just sick of it. All political stuff is going into my spam folder from now on.
Other thoughts:
Opened the kiln this morning and after laying things out I'm thinking I will need to redo many more elements for the mosaic. This has turned into a giant seemingly never ending job. Discouraging. I did take today off from it though. This morning at 9 am Sebby and I set out and biked a part of the Clarion Highland trail - 5.5 miles - 11 miles in all. Not that far really, but cause it is rough ground it took a while. He liked it as much as I did. We stopped for french fries and a pop afterwards. Tasted so good!
The other day I was thinking about the Spirit song, "Nature's Way" from the Twelve Dreams of Doctor Sardonicus album. It was one of my first husband's favorite albums and I loved it too, back in the day. I haven't heard it for at least 35 years though. So I ordered the CD and it arrived today - I am really enjoying listening to it again. Just something so simple can bring joy - makes me want to dance. And it makes me want to cry too.
Also I recently, for some reason (don't even know where I first heard about it) got an interest in the Lenormand. It is kind of like Tarot but instead of pictures it is "words" (the pictures can illustrate the words - though you don't need the pictures to use the cards) It is interesting to me to try it out. There are a few places online where you can print out your own cards to get started - which I did. When you lay out the cards you are supposed to make associations between the words - make a story with the words. I don't know - still trying to figure it out...
Here is a layout that I got today that could possibly help me figure out how to get on with this mosaic commission more efficiently:
20. Garden (events in public)
3. Ship (commerce)
24. Heart (passion)
11. Whip (repetitive pattern, criticism)
25. Ring (commitment)
7. Snake (nemesis)
Something to ruminate on I guess...
I did get an order for a couple chains - need to make them now.