Since I almost forgot it yesterday I thought I would get SPAD over with early today - I'm going to have a busy day.
Kitchen window 20 minutes ago. Obviously I drink Red Rose tea.
Now 20 minutes later the dawn is coming to a frosty white morning out there. I have already driven Jules to work (his car is still being fixed) and in a while I will go biking with Candy - then later there will be lots of picking up of people from after school things and Jules from work and then we are all driving to Grove City to see Gabe in his first swim meet.
I am upgrading my laptop to Windows 10 at the moment - I hope I'm not going to regret it.
Something has happened to my taste buds - certain foods just don't taste right. And I am getting cramps in my legs. I wonder if it is the steroid pills? Only 2 more days of them. The tooth is doing good now - I will be glad when I can stop taking them.