my cafe table art center - Oo-tapo in the background sleeping in the chair
I got in the habit of doing art first thing in the morning when I was at Kathy's and I want to keep it up now that I am home again. I got an idea to do a little painting showing our gray world, but with the roots of spring below the ground.
Most the time I never know what to eat. As a compulsive eater I could (and used to) think about food all the time, what I would eat next, what I would cook or bake or get next. Now I am very much on guard against that type of thinking. Now I err on the side of not planning or thinking about food enough. I just eat what I can find. This morning I found a bag of peanuts in shells. I need to make a shopping list of healthy foods to have here so I can keep up not thinking about food and still have good food to eat. Peanuts aren't that bad but I need more.
I decided to get all the Soulcard cards. The second deck arrived while I was gone.
Woke up with a sore throat and laryngitis this morning.
Oh no! Just discovered that we forgot to go to the appointment with our tax lady - have to get going...