Aug 13, 2009 13:21

We were talking about this in chan and I kind of got carried away. (Needless to say, I don't speak Hungarian, so all this comes from this dictionary and there are gaps Poland found the missing ones, ilu Poland and probably mistakes.)

America = Amerika
Austria = Ausztria
Canada = Kanada
China = Kína
England = Anglia
Estonia = Észtország
Finland = Finnország
France = Franciaország
Germany = Németország
Italy = Olaszország
Japan = Japán
Korea (South) = Dél-Korea
Latvia = Lettország
Lithuania = Litvánia
Poland = Lengyelország
Prussia = Poroszország
Russia = Oroszország
Sealand = Sealand
Spain = Spanyolország
Sweden = Svédország
Switzerland = Svájc
Turkey = Törökország

Australia = Ausztrália
Belarus = Belarusz, Belorusszia, Fehéroroszország
Belgium = Belgium
Cuba = Kuba
Czech Republic = Csehország
Denmark = Dánia
Egypt = Egyiptom
Greece = Görögország
Iceland = Izland
Liechtenstein = Liechtenstein
Mongolia = Mongólia
Norway = Norvégia
Romania = Románia
Seychelles = Seychelle-szigetek
Taiwan = Tajvan
Thailand = Thaiföld
Ukraine = Ukrajna
Vietnam = Vietnam


serious poll, social studies

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