Today, I went to Glorietta with Thomas . He came at about 12 and we reached there at about 12:45. We ate at the Food Court. I got a Sukiyakidon from Okuya Express. It was yum but I thought it would be awful at first. Thomas got a Vanilla Cream from Starbucks and then bought California Maki from Yakitori (where my mom ate last Sunday. I thought of buying lunch from them today but was too late since I bought it already). He said he'll only eat a little but he ended up eating almost everything. hahaha! He asked me to eat the last one anyways...I also recommended that he should buy one of those "hash browns" (well, it looks like one) from Korokke. He bought the Corned Beef one.
We went to the Rustans Dept. Store and Thomas looked at clothes. He even forgot where the exit was. After that, we went to Armani Exchange where Thomas bought a shirt which seemed a bit tight on him since he didn't straighten it before he asked me about the shirt. We went to the arcade and played a few games. He only played Victory Lap once and House of the Dead once. I played most of the games.
Thomas then decided to exchange the tickets for the 2:00 showing (which cost 140 pesos btw). We got the 2:40 time kasi eh. It only cost 130 pesos so he had to pay 10 pesos more (30 for him, the driver and I). We watched MI-3 which was really nice except for the fact that you could get deaf in the movie house because of all the shattering glass, bomb explosions and gun shooting. Yup, all of that are never missed out in an action movie. By the way, we missed the first part since it was already showing when we exchanged the tickets.
We went home after that. We talked about a lot of stuff on the way there and on the way back. Now, I know what an Ipod Nano looks like. haha! It's so thin and nice.
Anywayz...explaining the title of this entry. I watched the 52nd episode of FY today for the 6th (?) time. It was soooooooooooo nice. It's the best episode of FY!!! It was so nakakaiyak but I didn't cry. Again, like most of the shows I loved and went crazy over, it delivers the same message: LOVE. In this case: Love prevails in the end. Like what Iza Calzado said in Moments of Love: "Ang pag-ibig walang kinikilalang mukha, walang kinikilalang panahon." Of course, it's not always true but it's still sweet. haha! Find out why now!
Too bad LJ doesn't support the embed thing of Youtube.
Blogthings and quizzes later...Dinner first...
By the way, Thomas made me lose my solo game of Victory Lap by moving the wheel in the wrong direction. Thanks for the 5th (out of 8) place, Thomas! haha!