sharya gave me grief that I have apparently neglected to mention our new replacement kitty, and certainly had not posted pictures. Alas. She hasn't actually replaced anyone yet, since our oldest seems hell bent on outliving us all. So she's actually our gatto-in-training.
So this is BC. When I worked at home during the DNC, I discovered her living on our balcony. She almost never left, she just huddled under a love seat out there. So I started feeding her, and one thing lead to another, and now she lives with us. The vet guessed she was about 1 at that time, so she's close to 2 1/2 now.
And yes, BC stands for balcony cat. We are just so creative when naming our cats. She's the second one we've named after where they were found. For those not 'in the know',
god_kitty was found at 10th & Wadsworth here in Denver, so he thus became Wadsworth.