Lif Update

Jan 28, 2007 20:21

I went to see Pan's Labyrinth today with rubeus. It was a very good movie. Not exactly a happy one - though set in the Spanish Civil War, happy would probably be a bit much to expect. It was, however, wonderfully written, and the ending was incredibly ambiguous. Much more so than MirrorMask, which I'd thought (at the time) was pretty ambiguous. And the CGI was beautiful. The Spanish Civil War plot was also very good, much better than I was expecting. Which was good, because it ate up a fair chunk of screen time.

Faith of Demonology 101 fame has also seen the movie, and has posted some fanart.

I've also finally seen Labyrinth. Now that is an incredible movie. Particularly the ending, which is not ambiguous in the least. Go go '80s monster dance party! Plus, David Bowie is awesome.

I've also been re-reading Thieves and Kings, and all I have to say is: holy foreshadowing, Batman. Unlike authors that seem to be making everything up as they go along, most of the really major players in Thieves and Kings are mentioned, hinted at, appeared in secret, or otherwise present in the first volume or, at the very latest, by the start of the second. It makes it very interesting to re-read. And, I suspect, to re-re-read and re-re-re-read, etc. Particularly if he ever manages to finish it.

21 volumes later, Kare Kano has finally ended. This was one of the first anime I watched through to the end, and the rather abrupt termination in the middle of a plot arc was somewhat shocking. I was delighted when Tokyopop added it to their new manga lineup, then frustrated when it took something like six months after the scheduled release date for the first volume to come out. The ending was very good, and entirely not what I expected.

movies, life, manga/comics

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