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Mar 20, 2008 22:16

so easter is here, joy!

So yeah, i am quite good at the moment, my diets gone tits up as i am not at the gym but nothing majoy, put 3 pounds on.
but i am keeping up with some daily warm ups, 100 sit ups and 100 push ups.

i made a decision to be rid of...every girl that likes me the other day, for the reason that i dont want to string them along.
I dont really know what i am doing if i am honest, going with the flow but i need to stop whatever i keep doing.

I want a girlfriend but then at times...dont want a girlfriend.
There was one girl, kelly.

it was going really well, texting alot, talking on the phone alot. She stayed at mine then we went to leeds to stay at hers.
When we got in there it got a bit....odd. I have nothing against drugs but she made kieran look like a part timer and also enter her barely ex boyfriend.
While sat in a random house in leeds at 11 at night with a guy kicking off i can only say one thing...i fucking hate leeds, What a shit hole!
Kelly turned round and went " i need to talk to him, il be back soon ".
So i GTFO! called in some favours and got picked up.
She left me at half 10 to go talk to him, got a text at half 1 in the morning " i just got back and your gone..."

Further proof that i pick the ones who are just drama queens really, like shiv this girl kicked off about shit thats not that imporant.
Talking of mega whores, i havent seen shiv in ages...which makes me sad cos i wanna be a mega cunt and show my newly (nearly)thin body off and point the fact shes with a self harming emo whineing make up wearing baby.
Not that i mean or anything...

So good things....oh got a new mp3 player, my other one died but went ont ebay and did some searching and i found a 4GB music and video player for 14 quid, fuck your ipods kids!
It did come from hong kong mind but it took 5 days!
My pc is back too....i thought i blew out the motherboard so i sent it off to be fixed, it turned out to be that the fan had gotten so clogged up with dust that it kept over heating....*sighs*

Got alot happening soon, folk night at kates which is always fun and i get to meet stu! its a bastard when you know quite a few things of someone, some of the music you listen to is thanks to the guy and you have never met him!
I shall kiss his beutifull face.
Captions debut gig coming up which i cant wait to see, last time i saw stig it was amazing and i was nervous really cos i hadnt seen him in so long but hes put me back on the path after the things he said.
it also seems like everyones going to be there...which will be fun.

Thats it really, i hope everyones well.
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