FIC: The Tragedy of the Time Song (4/5)

Sep 20, 2012 20:27

Author: Regency

Title: The Tragedy of the Time Song

Pairing: River/Doctor (Eleven), background Amy/Rory

Rating: PG-13 at least

Word count: ~29,100

Contains: angst, romance, time!baby, AU, timey-wimey-ness, friendship, semi-graphic sexual situations, violence

Warning(s): canon character death, child abduction

Spoilers: All River Song episodes. Goes AU after Day of the Moon with nods to A Good Man Goes to War and The Doctor’s Wife .

Summary: The Doctor discovers the truth about River Song, but it comes with a price. (Or how he falls for River Song and loses her, in four parts.) AU after Day of the Moon.

Author’s Notes:  Started as an attempt to play with some curious notions about River’s identity before they got Moffed in canon, but I didn’t get done in time.  Thanks for reading anyway!

ANII: This won’t be important until the final chapter, but my presumption was that River and the Doctor’s relationship was only generally back to front with occasional out-of-order encounters between them.

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters recognizable as being from Doctor Who. They are the property of their actors, producers, writers, and studios, not me. No copyright infringement was intended and no money was made in the writing or distribution of this story. It was good, clean fun.


Read: Ao3 |

pairing: river/doctor, rated: pg-13, fandom: doctor who, character: river song, character: the doctor, all: fanfiction, status: work in progress, genre: friendship

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