Just an FYI

Jan 20, 2011 21:58

In case any of you were hanging out, checking to see if For More Than Country had been updated yet, I just wanted to apologize for not posting the ending over the holiday like I'd planned. I want to apologize for not even posting it in the same year.  School last semester was a bear and it is not shaping up to be any better this semester. However, I am working on it and I have a few thousands words of it down and the rest outlined. I don't plan to post this part until it's all finished in the hopes of avoiding doing this to you guys again.  Thanks for being patient and I hope you're still around when I post the rest.

I may post some oneshots in the near future, but please don't take that as an indication that I'm not working on anything else. I'm trying to do a lot of things at once and it shows.

Happy Spring Semester, everyone!

title: for more than country, occasion: summer of stargate 2011, fandom: stargate sg-1, status: work in progress, occasion: summer of stargate 2010

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