Author: Regency
Title: Taste the Rainbow
Fandom: Various
Pairing: Various
Spoilers: Various, but listed as appropriate
Rating: G-ish
Word count: ~1,200 (/7 ficlets)
Summary: Various
Author’s Notes: Written for the
scifiverse ,
Taste the Rainbow challenge.
Disclaimers: All of the recognizable characters appearing in this work are the property of their respective writers, producers, portrayers, and studios. No money was made in the creation or distribution of this work. No copyright infringement is intended.
• Red - X-Files - All Things - Mulder/Scully
Mulder woke up, stretched out, and rolled over into an empty, cool space. The place beside him on the bed used to be warm and filled by someone familiar and willing. She wasn’t there now.
He could still smell her-he always could since she was here most of the time anyway.
He could definitely still feel her, across his back and in his arms like a ghost. And didn’t he know all about ghosts? They traveled on his back and whispered in his ears. Now, they even slept in his bed.
No ectoplasm left this time, just unforgettable, but forgotten, strands of red hair on the pillow.
• Orange - Stargate SG-1 - Red Sky - Sam/Jack friendship/UST
Her hair looks red in the light of the dying sun and he barely recognizes her because of it. Hell, he barely recognizes her because of a lot of things. He’s doing something wrong here and he knows it; he’s dragging her down with him and he knows that, too.
She’s an accomplice in his duplicity, regardless of the orders he gives. He knows what kind of person Samantha Carter is - if she thought his order was garbage, she’d respectfully tell him to get stuffed. He’s seen her do it and he’s been girding his loins since the start of this fiasco, waiting for her to do it again.
But she hasn’t.
Instead, she’s skipping right beside him down the road to hell and he can’t find it in himself to turn her back. He doesn’t want to walk alone.
• Yellow - Iron Man II onward- Tony/Pepper
It’ll take some getting used to, he thinks, the yellow. Pepper’s hair has always been some variation of blonde, though usually more strawberry than straw. Which is funny since she’s allergic, but he knows better than to say that. He hasn’t actually gotten out of the doghouse over the whole strawberry gifting catastrophe yet. At least he finally understands where he picked up the association.
But the important thing is the fact that his girlfriend-partner-lover-bosswoman is no longer just kind of blonde, she’s very blonde-and it looks good on her. She’s always been a bombshell in his eyes; intellect and organizational skills with a body to match. Now, everyone can see it in the neat chignon that rests atop her lovely head, which is adorned by the jewelry he bought her yesterday after he failed to compliment her fast enough on the change.
Her hair is corn silk yellow today and it brings out her eyes. He’ll make sure he mentions it first thing tonight. He’d rather not sleep on the couch again.
• Green- Battlestar Galactica - Daybreak Pt. II - Bill Adama(/Laura Roslin)
He gives up the green the day she dies, but it’s already been weeks since he’s had it by then. She’d been dying in yards rather than feet or inches and he’d been determined to follow with. He loved her too much and too damned desperately to dare have his heart beat one moment beyond hers.
Yet beat it does and he uses the first ten thousand that follow to lay her to rest under a new sun on a new Earth. He spends too long wondering if the stones will bruise her as he stares across the great plain that is their - that is his world now. It’s vibrant and alive and beautiful and he wishes he could lay his head on her shoulder and cry. She would understand; she always did.
There’s no solace left in ambrosia now, no comfort to be had in eyes forever shut. There’s nothing intoxicating enough left to make him forget all that’s been lost with the newly found. Grass and trees as far as his sight can see, but none of it is green enough.
• Blue - Sanctuary - Helen Magnus(/Will Zimmerman)
She wonders if it was his eyes that make the difference. They are bright blue and memorable, and say far too much. They aren’t eyes Will can lie with, so it gives her great comfort that he rarely tries.
He is content in the odd cocoon of intimacy his role as protégé allows and he won’t compromise that with perfidy. She reads that into the negative tension in his shoulders, the way he falls loose when they sit side-by-side. He is truthful to the tips of his lashes as they blink away the matter left behind by another restless night, of which he has so many. He is truthful, if unnecessarily flattering, to the tip of his tongue which tells her in fond tones how well she’s done on this day more ordinary than others. And he is truthful when he squeezes her hand good night, and wishing her sweet dreams, lingers.
But when she asks him what he dreams about and he says he doesn’t know, his eyes lie just a little and she knows.
• Purple - Sanctuary - Will Zimmerman(/Helen Magnus)
She wears royal colors like a woman of royal blood and, for all he knows, she might be. After all, she has lived for 159 years and he has known her for three. He can fit the pittance of knowledge he has about her in an intellectual thimble. It’s almost embarrassing. He’s supposed to learn from her and there are times when he can’t even talk to her. She’s a walking, talking, charming history book and he hasn’t managed to read past chapter three. He might never be able to.
Not for the first time, he wonders if he’s making a fool of both of them by pretending that he’ll be worthy of her position in his own lifetime. Barring abnormal intervention, he’s got forty, maybe fifty, lucid, able years ahead of him and she’s been at this for a century and still has moments in which she struggles. She is amazing, in good times and in bad, while Will flounders over FedExing paperwork on time. Every moment with her is a lesson in ignorance; he’s learning just how much he doesn’t know. That’s not something he’s used to, but being too smart for the police department and too strange for the FBI doesn’t mean he’s anything besides too slow for the world he lives in now.
This world is her world and though someday he’ll wear the royal colors, he doubts he’ll ever wear them as well.
• Pink - Eureka - Jack Carter
He sees a girl with yellow hair, hop-scotching down the street. Her hair is in braided pigtails and she’s wearing green instead of pink. (He doesn’t think too much on why he expected pink; he doesn’t need Jo or Allison on him for that.) She’s all by herself out here and it makes him pause for more than a moment. Eureka is safe, for a given value of the word, but she’s smaller than she acts and he’s a daughter’s father even though she’s all grown up now.
As he goes to ask her name and where her parents are, she seems to take one last sidewalk leap and disappears. But not before she looks back at him with Zoe’s little face and sticks her tongue out right at him.
When she was small, Zoey’d hated pink. (He doesn’t think he’ll mention the thought to her either.)