For More Than Country (Rated R)

Sep 11, 2010 22:41

Much belated ETA: I have to say the downside of taking ages to write something is that your feelings about it can really change. I don't know how I feel about big parts of this fic anymore.  I'm still re-assessing, but it's definitely not going to be updated until I decide to either chuck the problematic aspects (the use of that real life atrocity ( Read more... )

pairing: jack/sara, fandom: stargate sg-1, pairing: sam/jack, rated: varies, pairing: sam/jonas hanson, rated: r, all: fanfiction, occasion: summer of stargate 2010

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Comments 13

laetificat September 12 2010, 22:17:29 UTC
Hee. You're making us wait a month. I'll be over here, chewing my fingernails. Good job!


egalitarianmuse September 12 2010, 22:27:03 UTC
Thanks. I was going to make it all one story, but it was becoming gargantuan and the second installment takes on a bit of a darker tone as Sam really comes face to face with the kind of enemies her colonel's made. You think I was nervous about posting this. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Thank you for reading. I'm glad it's a nail-biter.


iwrite4fun September 13 2010, 00:43:07 UTC
I have just spent my entire afternoon reading this, and I can't wait to read Story II. Amazing characterizations and great work!

What will the best way to make sure that I don't miss the sequel?


egalitarianmuse September 13 2010, 02:36:07 UTC
It's really up to you. You could friend me if you liked or you could just keep an eye out on any of the big stargate fic communities. I plan to post here and there about the update when it's ready for primetime. (I don't know if there's any exclusivity period for the BB; that's why I haven't posted anywhere else yet.)

Thank you a million times for reading and I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. It's an enormous load off my mind.


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egalitarianmuse September 15 2010, 05:41:36 UTC
Yay! I'm happy you're enjoying the fic. I'm excited to get the next story done myself, even though I know how it all works out. I hope it lives up to your expectations. And, yes, the Brass should be watching their back, particularly by the end of the second story. ;)


(The comment has been removed)

egalitarianmuse November 4 2010, 04:38:23 UTC
It's funny you came back right now because I am literally writing this as we speak. I'm so glad you like it enough to give a second read. FYI, everything you love about this story is about to kick into high gear. This second story should make you really happy.

Thank you for reading and come on back once the second part is up. It shouldn't be long now.


iwishiwerekerry September 24 2010, 17:32:07 UTC
*thud* I just finished this... and it must be the best fic i've read in a looooong time. It's just plain amazing. Great work! I cannot WAIT to read the sequel!


egalitarianmuse September 24 2010, 18:02:30 UTC
Thanks! I'm really happy you're enjoying the story so far. This review is totally getting me pumped up for the sequel, too. I hope you enjoy that as much as you enjoyed this. Thanks for writing. :)


cnidarian March 10 2011, 03:05:02 UTC
Oh, this was awesome! Great story, with bonus Janet-in-an-action-role (a rare and beautiful thing) and lovely characterisation. Looking forward to P2.


egalitarianmuse March 10 2011, 04:25:58 UTC
Thanks! I'm really glad you've enjoyed the story and are ready for part two. I'm looking forward to it, too. Ugh, it's freaky how time gets away from you. I planned to have this story finished and posted five months ago. That clearly didn't happen, but I haven't given up. I'm hoping to make some headway soon, but I won't make any promises because I'd hate to disappoint you.

Thank you again so much for reading. I really appreciate it!


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