Natural Fit

Jan 22, 2010 01:34

Author: Regency

Fandom: White Collar

Title: Natural Fit

Labels: implied slash

Spoilers: None; could be set pre-series.

Pairing: Peter/Other UST, implied Peter/Elizabeth, possible implied Peter/Neal UST

Rating: PG

Word count: 1,168

Summary: Peter might not wear a fedora with style or instinctively know Dolce & Gabbana from Hugo Boss, but he ( Read more... )

fandom: white collar, rated: pg, character: peter burke, slash, one shot, all: fanfiction

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Comments 23

birddi January 22 2010, 11:35:30 UTC
Fuck that was hot. So, so ht. *deep breath* The way you wrote Peter made me love him more.


egalitarianmuse January 22 2010, 15:53:35 UTC
Thank you!It's so easy to love Peter and he doesn't get nearly enough credit for what must be some amazing undercover work in his past. He may not be as obviously cultured as Neal, but he's damned sure got appeal.


birddi January 23 2010, 22:16:19 UTC
I wrote you a long and well written response yesterday, I hit send 30 seconds after Livejournal decides to go offline for a bit. Sooo, the crux of my three paragraphs was that your Peter was amazing. I agree that he's a more subtle conman than Neal, and I'd love to see you write something with him and Neal's dynamic at the forefront. More important still, is that I'd make you arts (yes, plural) for stories with awesome!Peter in it. Why? Because you my darling dear have written the most realistic Peter I've read in this fandom by far, and I want more.

So three paragraphs down to one. ^_^


egalitarianmuse January 23 2010, 23:20:44 UTC
The same exact thing happened to me last night. Long drawn out review for something or other and now I don't even remember what it was because my windows decided to restart while I was waiting for LJ to come back from its vacation. You have masterfully made your point in spite of LJ's decision to randomly go on strike.

Anywho, I'm absolutely planning to write Neal and Peter on a con or undercover mission together. I think they'd play off of one another well and that it's time for Neal to understand that he's not the only clever fellow in the room.

Since you're doing the asking, do you have anything in particular in mind for this one? (And, yes, arts would make me glad! Bring 'em on.) Any UST or romance in particular or just crafty Peter being crafty with Neal getting schooled on how the FBI's finest gets the job done?

By the way, I'm glad you think my Peter's realistic. I hadn't written anything for this fandom before, so I was crossing my fingers and hoping. I'm glad to know I'm doing well. Thanks for the awesome review! :)


ficsoreal January 22 2010, 16:50:42 UTC
Loved this. I want a dozen more fics focusing on Peter being awesome at undercover work! Thank you for sharing and contributing to my addiction. ♥


azewewish January 22 2010, 18:26:04 UTC
I just want to reiterate everything she just said. *points up* I love Peter's job, too.


egalitarianmuse January 22 2010, 18:32:07 UTC
Peter's no doubt amazing at his work, so it's tons of fun to see him at it. You'd better believe he'll be going undercover again some time. Maybe he'll even have an early run-in with Neal before he catches him for good.


egalitarianmuse January 22 2010, 18:28:59 UTC
♥ Glad to do it. I love Peter and think he's probably a master at fitting in in odd venues when he wants to be. That's sort of my favorite version of Peter now, so expect me to write about that more.


littlestarling January 22 2010, 17:34:26 UTC
I loved this! So cool to see Peter in action!


egalitarianmuse January 22 2010, 18:30:05 UTC
I know! Gotta love Action!Peter or even Smooth!Peter. Glad ya liked it.


riveroceansea January 23 2010, 15:42:21 UTC
Oooo! Teasing!Peter. I think I love you.


egalitarianmuse January 23 2010, 19:24:55 UTC
Okay, your icon is my favorite version of Peter embodied. I mean, talking about Mr. Tease-a-lot. Hot!

I'm so glad you liked my Peter--and me. He just brings out the good in people. So cute.


phantomminuet January 24 2010, 19:53:49 UTC
Very nicely done. I could very easily see Peter doing this. For the job, of course. :-)


egalitarianmuse January 24 2010, 19:58:34 UTC
Of course. I love him because he's so easy to underestimate and, yet, so easy to root for. Thanks for reading. :)


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